publications such as 'Mozart had the Blues' analyze the band,
the drums theory & history, as well as urban music, urban
culture & development.
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1. Mozart had the Blues.
The theory, history & prehistory of 'Mozart has the blues'
(Mhdb) - or: an amateur drummer's autobiography. Drums theory, development &
history. By Wolfgang Billmann, Kassel, Germany, 2015
(currently revision, updated
from time to time, 1st ed. 1997, German, manuscript),
Metropolises, jazz
& percussion. Mhdb's global orientation. The urban music,
culture & development of the global megacities and
historical metropolises (summary)
Balance &
appendix (incl. bibliography)
2. The Mhdb songs,
details. Texts, arrangements, melodies, chords, measures, MP3.
By Wolfgang Billmann, Kassel, Germany, 2008-19, English,
German/English lyrics
Songs of set 1. -
MozartHatDenBlues - BumerangTrophue - Moench&NonneBlues -
FliegenMeiden - WindbeutelBlues - SchlaegePop - Schuft -
Songs of set 4. -
BezweifleEsHupf - MehlhutKHop - BestandteileBossa -
DeutscherBauernkriegsBlues - Klopstock&Kumpels -
ThomasMuentzerMambo - SeppelSamba - JoetheJump
Songs of set 5. -
DesVogelsTueckeTango - Papa&MamaJive - SchillerStomp -
Stan&OllieTango - PolologieSause - CancanDesMittelalters -
AdamRieseRag - GottesgeschoepfePolka
The Mhdb chords
Mhdb chord types.
Mhdb pitches
The Mhdb steeldrum
Measures, basics
A basic drum set
The Mhdb notation
Bibliography see
'Mozart had the Blues'
3. Schlagzeugschule. 3.,
in d. Grundlagen gek. u. geaend. Ausg. By Wolfgang Billmann,
Kassel, Germany, 1997 (closed: continuation see Wolfgang
Billmann, Mozart
had the Blues, 2015, updating from time to time, The Mhdb
drum style), German, manuscript
jazz & percussion, Mhdb's global
orientation. Influences on Mhdb.
Urban music, culture & development. By Wolfgang Billmann,
Kassel, Germany, German/English, permanent
Urban music,
culture & development of the global megacities and
historical metropolises. American-European Mhdb roots
Cities have always
been the centers of humankind. Wars have always been, and are
still waged between cities. Hypothesis: War was fought not
between Yugoslavia and Germany, but mainly between Belgrade
and Berlin. Jazz has always been a source of inspiration in
popular music, one of the global key industries. War has
unfortunately also been a constant source of creative
inspiration, not only for popular music, but sadly for all key
The Mhdb bands
(approx. 1990-) have used their songs ('Mhdb standards')
as a starting point for permanent experiments, for
example, with very different American-European styles, but
also urban music, culture & development of the global
megacities and historical metropolises. The Mhdb texts
deal with absurd everyday life in modern German history
and, increasingly, 'westernization' as well as massive developmental differences in and
between the global megacities and historical metropolises.
'Westernization' also means that the USA continues to set global
trends, especially musically (in jazz, hip hop, rock, etc.)
The goal of
'Metropolises, jazz & percussion' is to get an idea of
the music, everyday life and history of each studied city.
Mhdb roots: More than 300 pieces: 1787-2024
More than three
hundred American-, particularly U.S.-European music pieces
from the 18th century to the present were listed and
analyzed with the help of Youtube and similar portals.
These pieces have played a significant role in the history
& development of Mhdb and are continuously updated.
These pieces are divided into jazz, hip hop, rock,
traditional & classical music.
The music of
the global megacities and historical metropolises/centers
is also compared with these categories.
All in all, each of
these cities is gradually analysed mainly with the help of
Youtube videos, but also with Google, other search engines or
scientific literature, etc, according to the following
Jazz &
'jazz-like' music (J +/-)
Hip hop
& 'hip hop-like' music (H +/-)
Rock &
'rock-like' music (R +/-)
& 'traditional-like' music (T +/-)
& 'classic-like' music (C +/-)
Everyday life
Trade &
& housing
& working
Recent past
Older past
HDI. Links.
Development Index Ranking ... below average (poss.)
Less than half
(decreased compared to 2021, i.e. from 55 to 42 percent) of the 47
listed cities are in states with 'below-average HDI ': still more
metropolises and less historic metropolises/centers. - Note: The Mhdb assessment
according to HDI ranking is given priority because the
official HDI (e.g. the rating 'high' with regard to life
expectancy at birth, education - literacy and school
enrollment rate - as well as real purchasing power per
capita) makes the 47 listed cities appear too perfect.
In almost all
of these metropolitan areas, there are jazz, hip hop,
rock, traditional and classical music. But in nearly half
of the historic metropolitan areas/centres, located
primarily in states with 'below-average HDI ranking' ('not
so good'), some of these music styles are hardly found:
Jazz and classical music are particularly lacking here, as
well as - to a lesser extent - rock.
Conversely, hip
hop and traditional music can be found in all of the
listed cities, and therefore especially hip hop as a
globally modern style of music.
Especially, there
is the question of relationships between drums, percussion
& music styles and urban architecture. - For example, New
York City: Nyc-architecture,
... Seagram Building (1958-, New York City); Miessociety, ...
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969). ... Glass, chrome,
leather & modern jazz ? Without flourishes. Light.
Functionally. ... Modern
jazz (approx. 1940-60, very abstract & scintillating
jazz, regular beats, strongly syncopated phrasing, mutual
comments on the improvisations, important to the origin of the
Mhdb chords & changes: bebop, Afro Cuban jazz, hard bop
& soul jazz, cool jazz, West Coast jazz, modal jazz, bossa
nova, Latin jazz, third stream & progressive jazz).